In the world of business and when dealing with the job market, having a business card is considered essential for any adult regardless of their job or sector. Business cards are regularly handed out and exchanged with people all the time in our day-to-day routine. We do not think about it too much, but business cards are pretty important not just for the sake of formalities, but also to help us potentially get more job or work opportunities. Now, having a good business card that forms a positive impression is necessary. If you want to update your business card or are currently exploring potential options, you can browse through the designs at Black Metal Kards for inspiration.
For the sake of this article, we are limiting the discussion to the choice of color you want for your business card. Neutral shades, especially shades that fall in the white to the beige category are generally preferred since they are simple and black text appears more clearly and prominently on it. Sticking to neutral tones or lighter shades is always recommended since loud, flashy, and bright shades tend to look childish and unprofessional. Avoiding print is also important since that also affects the readability of the text in the card. Of course, if you work in a field that allows for creativity and being playful, that can reflect on your business card color of choice, but again, you want to avoid colors and prints that can end up affecting people’s ability to read text. As a general rule of thumb, people should be able to read your name and job title at first glance of the card. If they have focus and pay attention to what is written, then you have already lost in terms of the purpose of your business card.